Belle lettre du philosophe irlandais Edmund Burke sur la Révolution française et Louis XVI
Edmund Burke (Dublin, 1729/1797)Belle lettre du philosphe et homme politique irlandais Edmund Burke adressée à l'archevêque de Bordeaux (alors en exil en Angleterre), Jérôme Marie Champion de Cicé, sur la Révolution française dont il était un fervent opposant et sur feu Louis XVI :
"Many thanks for the honor you have done me in sending me the king of France's declaration. It's a very able performance. His duty, on his acceptation to the title to an unhappy throne obliged him to something of the kinds his Majesty did what property required, & in the most proper manner. But it use produce little or not effect upon his subjects. There is no publich in France & consequently nothing which or on which publich opinion can operate. I believe the miserable French ursh for deliverance pretty generally : but they can never be their own deliverers ; & there is little to be hoped from the effort of foreign powers in your favor [...]".
Burke avait fait paraître en 1790 un ouvrage intitulé Reflections on the Revolution in France, sujet dont il n'ignorait rien.