Rare lettre musicale d’Antonin Dvorak sur Ludmila et ses projets d’oratorio
Antonin Dvorak (Nelahozeves, 1841/1904)Très belle et rare lettre d'Antonin Dvorak.
"I have the pleasure of sending you the vocal score of the first part of the Ludmila and I hope it will arrived quite safely in London when this letter will reach you.
Please, let me immediately know whether you get it. Mr Zavrtal [Ladislas Josef Zavrtal, chef d’orchestre tchèque, qui travaillait en Angleterre] (I think you remember him well) is just now in Prague, and I will next week leave for London and will be kind enough to take the fullscore with and deliver in your hands.
Today I received a letter from Dr Millward from Birmingham [Robert Harding Millward (1838-1903), avocat et mécène anglais]. He asks me if I would write a new grand sacred oratorio for the Festival of 1888 and what a subject will be. I have two, the one is from Mr Beringer [Oskar Beringer, pianiste allemand, grand ami de Dvorak] "Samson and Dalila” already printed and worked out very well. I must say, I like it in this present strape, very much. You will also have a quite stuff from the bohemian story. It is : John Hus! What do you mean of it? When I asked you my question in regarding to my “psalm” you did not give me any answer. Please do me the favour and tell me a word […]”.
[L'oratorio Sainte Ludmila, opus 71, composé entre septembre 1885 et mai 1886, fut créé le 15 octobre 1886, lors du festival de Leeds].